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AIM Further'21

An Event from PhD students for PhD students

16th June

Zoom meeting

Welcome message

Welcome to AIM Further'21. This is the second edition of this yearly event dedicated entirely to CICECO’s PhD students. This one of a kind event is one of a few at a national level and aims to strengthen the dynamic and connectivity of the PhD students. This year, due to the Covid-19 pandemic the event will be held entirely online which grants the opportunity to have speakers from all over the world. The program was carefully selected in order to englobe some of the most popular topics of the moment such as mental health and the spread of science in the new digital era.

Moreover, due to the ease of access, there is no excuse for you to miss this upcoming event.

The organizing committee, CAD


Invited Speakers

Brian Harrington


Assistant Professor

at the University of Toronto

After completing his BSc in Computer Science at the University of Toronto, Brian went on to earn his M.Sc. and Doctorate in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing from Oxford University in the UK. Brian then spent several years as a lecturer and research faculty at Oxford, before a brief stint as a researcher at the University of Wisconsin led him back to his Alma Mater where he has been teaching since 2012. 


Brian's current research is in the field of computer science education with a focus on first year students and undergraduate research. His primary teaching focus has been on introductory courses, and the social impacts of computer science. He currently runs an undergraduate research group with a focus on getting students involved in the research enterprise through the field of CS education.


Anabela M. Sousa Pereira

Associated Professor with habilitation

at the University of Aveiro

Anabela M. Sousa Pereira, PhD in Psychology from the University of Hull, England. She is currently a professor at the Department of Education and Psychology at the University of Aveiro. She has participated in research projects funded by FCT, IIE, and FCG, with emphasis on the area of ​​mental health, especially in the areas of stress, anxiety, depression and coping in an academic context. Director of the master’s Course in Health Psychology and Neuropsychological Rehabilitation and STRESSLAB. Coordinator of the specialization in Educational Psychology of the Doctoral Program in Education. She created the LUA -line of the University of Aveiro, pioneer in Portugal of psycho-emotional support to students, during the night.

She was the first President of the Portuguese Association of Psychologists OPP - North Delegation; President of RESAPES_AP (Higher Education Psychological Support Services Network - Professional Association). In 2010, she was awarded at the national level with the SPSS Investigator of Merit Award (Portuguese Society of Health Psychology).


Marco Idiart


Professor of Physics

at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

Marco A. P. Idiart is a Professor of Physics at the Institute of Physics, of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS).  He was a visiting scholar at the Laboratory of Information and Decision Systems of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA) and at Brandeis University (USA), where he did his post-doctoral training. His PhD was in Statistical Physics (UFRGS) and his main research interests are in Computational Neuroscience, particularly in neural network models for memory and language. 

He believes in the importance of universal access to scientific knowledge in the modern world, especially in the age of social media. He is one of the creators and producers of the Portuguese-language podcast Fronteiras da Ciência, one of the longest-running scientific podcasts in Brazil.

Laura de Freitas

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Instagrammer - Nunca vi 1 cientista

Graduated in Pharmacy-Biochemistry from São Paulo State University - UNESP, with a scientific internship at the National Institutes of Health - NIH (USA). Master and PhD in Biosciences and Biotechnology Applied to Pharmacy by the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Araraquara - UNESP. Part of the PhD was conducted at the State University of New York at Buffalo (USA). She was a Fellow of the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) in undergraduate, master's and doctorate degrees. She is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the Chemistry Institute of the University of São Paulo (IQ-USP / Dept of Biochemistry), also with FAPESP scholarship. She works mainly in the areas of applied microbiology and antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT), with emphasis on molecular mechanisms of action and optimization of aPDT, and biofilms.

Since 2018, she talks about science on social media through the project Nunca vi 1 cientista (NV1C), which she idealized and co-founded with other scientists.

laura de freitas.jpg
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Rute Pereira

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PhD student

Intagrammer - Amazing Chemist

Rute holds a BSc in Chemistry, a MSc in Biomedical Materials and Devices in 2018 and is currently a PhD Student in Nanosciences and Nanotechnology. Rute is also extremely interested in science communication and bringing science to online platforms, such as social networks. With this vision, she started her own instagram page devoted to share the daily life of a young scientist in Portugal. She already has collaborations with companies and different videos with tips and tricks to write and present a dissertation. And recently, she started her own website where she shares Digital Resources related to academic life.



16th June


Opening session

CAD, Prof. Artur Silva, Prof. João Rocha, Prof. João Coutinho


In defense of quitting

Brian Harrington


PhD vs Mental Health: Don't lose yourself

Anabela M. Sousa Pereira

Coffee break

Round table


Meeting the guests: 

Marco Idiart (Fronteiras da ciência)

Laura de Freitas (Nunca vi 1 cientista)

Rute Pereira (Amazing chemist)


Science for everyone: Digital age


Closing session


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